- Ursu, A., Rusu, P.P., Bogdan, I., & Candel, O. (în pregătire).
Perfectionism, depression/anxiety and well-being in couple relationships: a dyadic approach
- Rusu, P. P. & Bogdan, I. (2024).
Strategiile de Parenting și Starea de Bine a Copiilor și Părinților. Revista de Psihologie, 70(1)
- Rusu, P.P., Candel, O.S., Bogdan, I., Ilciuc, C., Ursu, A., & Podină, I. (2024)
Parental stress and well-being. A meta-analysis, under review în Clinical Child and Family Psychology Review
- Rusu, P.P., Bogdan, I., Candel, O.S., & Ilciuc, C. (2024)
Negative communication and emotional warmth mediate the association between stress and parents’s well-being, under review in Family Process
- Ilciuc, C. & Rusu, P.P. (2024)
Parental stress, family support, and students’ well-being at school, under review în volumul, Wellbeing in schools of South Eastern Europe countries, Editura Springer
- Ilciuc, C. & Rusu, P.P. (2024)
Implicații etice în experimentele din psihologia cuplului și familiei, under review, volumul Experimente (ne)etice, Editura USV